
Latest beef export news

  • 3 Argentina beef plants were shut down because of the COVID situation: Santa Fe, Rosario, Black Bamboo. MARFRIG remains with it's working capacity 60% only.

  • 3 newly approved plants to export to China from USA

  • China has temporarily suspended imports of beef from a Minerva SA, Brazil. The ban took effect on 1 October and will last for a week. 8 Brazilian plants are currently are not shipping meat to China, though some of these stoppages were voluntary

  • US live cattle futures slipped on 30 September and feeder prices dipped as prices for grain used as animal feed soared

  • Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, has launched a Grass Fed Standard for Beef, the world’s first on a national scale, that allows it to track and verify the percentage of grass consumed in the diet of Irish beef herds

  • Within 7 months of 2020, Mainland China imported a total of 846,476 tons meat from North America. Mainland China's total imports (4,207,174 tons) in the first seven months of this year.

  • Bolivia's total beef exports for January-July 2020 far exceeded last year's annual beef exports of 2,908 tonnes, doubling growth to 5,625 tonnes.