Nicolás Pino, candidate for president of ARS - «Loss of jobs and livestock stock, more cold storage facilities. In 15 years they did not learn anything."
CONINAGRO - "profound disagreement with the measure announced by the Government that provides for the closure of meat exports."
President of the Chamber of Meat Industry and Commerce (Ciccra), Miguel Schiaritii - «In an urgent meeting with the Ciccra Board of Directors we are proposing to the other entities a marketing close of at least 20 days". "So that they understand that the government cannot manage our lives and that we are going to defend ourselves in some way."
The national senator Alfredo De Angeli - "it is crazy to close beef exports", "they are going to destroy again everything that took so many years to build after 2006 when exports were closed. lost 20% of the livestock stock and couldn't control inflation» #argentinaexport