
Uruguay´s beef sector has a unique capability, the entire supply chain is monitored, online!

There is a huge database and information system that allows to go back from table to farm. Every movement of each animal is registered and recorded online.  Every kilogram of beef can be linked and traced to the production area, farm, and cattle. This allows to demonstrate and certify its production process and product integrity to every consumer in the world.

Uruguay has had a group traceability system for over 40 years. However, in 2006 implemented individual cattle traceability mechanisms that make it possible to trace animals from their origin up to processing plants. At plants, by combining the information provided by the double ear-tag system of the SIRA (Animal Identification and Registration) with the Electronic Information System for the Beef Industry (SEIIC, also known as “Black Boxes”), it is possible to link every kilogram of beef to the animal where it came from, and hence to the farm. The combination of both systems turns Uruguay into the only country in the world able to have the record of its entire cattle herd, and of all its beef exports.

Individual animal Traceability is the association of a unique and unequivocal identification of each animal that allows to know exactly: age, sex, breed, identification number, place of birth, owner, where has been the animal, when in each site, with whom other animals and more.

The “SEIIC (Electronic Information System for the Meat Industry) – consists of 7 data collection points with automatic registration of weight, from the entrance of animals to the slaughterhouse, through their transformation in beef, to the dispatch either to the domestic or export markets.

What’s the value of the traceability system?

1. Guarantees for the public power
- The Government of Uruguay, through its authorities, can guarantee to Uruguayan society and the international community the conditions of operation of the country’s meat sector.
- The entire process is controlled and monitored, and can give total guarantees in terms of safety, commercial and fiscal point of view.
2. Transparency and global access to the information
- All livestock owners have online the most complete information on the performance of their cattle.
- More than 50% of the information available online the same day; more than 98% within 24 hrs.
3. Information for decision making.
4. Food safety and security guarantees
5. Consumer trust

2021-10-21 03:46